Will IM replace email?
(too old to reply)
2003-10-17 02:51:41 UTC

I read an interesting poll question in www.techieindex.com "will
Instant message replace email?" . Also there is relevant articles and
news. What do you think?

K. Gates
2003-10-17 22:11:44 UTC
Personally I hate instant messaging, at least at home. But the more I
think about it. IM might be a great tool at work. There have been many
times that I have e-mailed someone and they have instantly e-mailed a
response. IM could save a lot of time if it’s not abused.

However I don’t think it will replace e-mail. There are some
things that are too large to IM, and what if the person is not online
at the time?

It’s like to difference between postal mail and a phone call,
you can’t send a card or pictures over the phone.
