Are you unemployed, are you looking for a job?
(too old to reply)
2010-07-05 20:05:30 UTC
It is very easy to get a job in the US - just get a citizenship from a
different country and apply for H-1B visa.

?...H-1B workers may be hired even when a qualified U.S. worker wants
the job, and a U.S. worker can be displaced from the job in favor of
the foreign worker.?

U.S. Department of Labor, Strategic Plan, Fiscal Years 2006?2011, p.
Day Brown
2010-07-09 02:19:15 UTC
Post by Z***@hotmail.com
It is very easy to get a job in the US - just get a citizenship from a
different country and apply for H-1B visa.
?...H-1B workers may be hired even when a qualified U.S. worker wants
the job, and a U.S. worker can be displaced from the job in favor of
the foreign worker.?
U.S. Department of Labor, Strategic Plan, Fiscal Years 2006?2011, p.
One of the few letters to the editor I had published was in Electronic
Engineering times when I noted the professional who cannot come to the
USA will instead use his talent to start a new business in his homeland,
and thereby drive American business bankrupt.

Which has indeed happened. Every H-1b that comes in results in the
hiring of five more less skilled support personnel: secretary, janitor,
shipping clerk, lab assistants.

There is a kind of hothouse effect also in that the more professionals
that are here the more synergy there is among them with even more
innovative startups creating more jobs. If this drives down the income
of professionals, it drives up the incomes of everyone else.

This is indeed happening along the I-540 corridor in NW Arkansas. It
sees a net immigration of professionals from other high tech regions all
over the USA and the globe. Incomes are not as high, but the cost of
living in rural small town Arkansas is much lower. You can get a decent
house for less than 200K. Or live in a trailer for 20K while you invest
the rest of your money in a new startup.

Most recent unemployment rate: 5.7%
